User Manual

4.01 EdPro Amperia power supply unit
EdPro Amperia power supply unit (PSU) is designed to
serve as a source of direct and alternating current during
laboratory classes and physics experiments in educational
Its main properties are as follows:
Current operating mode, voltage, and frequency are
displayed on the built-in high-contrast display, which
was made with the use of OLED technology.
The voltage at the PSU terminals can be controlled
using the encoder knob.
In AC mode, in addition to voltage, you can also control
the frequency of the current.
The device displays direct measurements of current
through its contacts and voltages at these contacts.
It is equipped with multi-level overload protection,
which prevents the device from failing in the event of a
short circuit.
It provides access to values of current and voltage at its
terminals via Wi-Fi.
It can automatically construct volt-ampere (VAC) and
amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of the
connected load.
The device can work in several modes.
For direct current
Maximum voltage: 5 V
Maximum current: 1 А
Maximum current with overload: 2.3 A*
Internal resistance at a current of 1 A or less - close to zero.
For alternating current
Maximum voltage: 3 V
Maximum current: 0.15 A
Maximum current with overload: 0.3 A*
Frequency range: 10 Hz - 2 MHz **