User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 A-3
Glossary and Acronyms Glossary
Current Position An indicator that specifies the tape location at which the next I/O
operation is to occur. See also Position.
Data Block A series of consecutive bytes of a fixed length that comprises the
logical unit in which an application transfers data to or from a device.
Any given file section on tape has only one data block size. Each data
block is followed by a two-byte checksum, unless the checksum
feature has been disabled. See also Physical Block.
Data Block Number (DBN)
Number identifying a logical data block, either within a file section or
a partition. See Logical Data Block Number and Cumulative Data
Block Number.
Data Block Size The number of bytes in a data block, excluding the checksum.
DD-2 (Data Digital-2) An ANSI format for helical scan digital storage magnetic tape.
Default Data Block Size
The data block size configured for a specific device special file. The
default data block size is in effect when the device is opened and
remains in effect until changed by program action.
Default Data Partition
The first partition on a tape. The mtio-compatible interface sets the
partition context to the default data partition when the interface is
Density The amount of data that can be stored on a pre-defined length of tape.
This is a fixed non-configurable value for all DD-2 tapes, as described
in the ANSI DD-2 standard.
Device Driver An operating system module that provides a programmatic interface a
device. The DST Driver is a device driver installed as part of the Unix
kernel and provides access to a DST tape drive.
DD-2 interface A device interface tailored to the DD-2 tape format. This interfaces
allows full use of the DST tape drive capabilities. Sometimes called
Full-function interface.
Device Special File An operating system pseudo file that forms the interface to a device. A
single physical device can have multiple device special files, each with
specific attributes that condition the nature of the interface.
Double Frame (DF) A group of 32 consecutively recorded helical tracks that hold single
physical block of data on a tape.
Drive See Tape Drive.