User Guide

5-22 Ampex 1308911-02
Model No.
Running Head
dst_getdrive libdd2 API Functions
5.6 dst_getdrive
dst_getdrive() - get tape drive product information, configuration and capabilities, and tape
device driver version.
#include <dd2.h>
int dst_getdrive(int fd, dst_drive_st *drive);
dst_getdrive() reports the following:
Tape drive product information, configuration attributes and parameter settings,
capabilities and buffer size.
Tape device driver version, release date, and current functionality (latest changes or
added features).
There is usually no need to alter the default tape drive configuration. If the need does arise,
use the dst_setdrive() function.
dst_getdrive() is available to all users.
fd The file descriptor returned by the open call.
*drive Pointer to a structure of type
dst_getdrive() uses the *drive structure for both input and output.
On input, the valid bit mask specifies which members to get information for.
On successful return, the valid bit mask indicates which members are reporting current
If the valid bit mask is different on return, it indicates that dst_getdrive() could not
get all of the status requested.
Before calling dst_getdrive(), initialize the
valid bit mask appropriately.