User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 5-57
libdd2 API Functions dst_space
5.18 dst_space
dst_space() - change current position by a specified number of blocks or files, or set current
position to end of data (EOD).
#include <dd2.h>
int dst_space(int fd, int type, int count);
dst_space() performs relative rather than absolute positioning. The current position can be
changed by:
Spacing forward or backward by the specified number of filemarks. The destination
position will be at the beginning or end of a file, respectively; i.e., at the end of tape (EOT)
side of a filemark when spacing forward, or the beginning of tape (BOT) side of a
filemark when spacing backward.
Spacing forward or backward by the specified number of user blocks within a file.
Spacing forward to EOD in the current partition.
fd The file descriptor returned by the open call.
type Specifies the type of relative positioning to perform. The following
definitions apply:
count Specifies the number or filemarks or data blocks to space over. Use a
positive value to space forward or a negative value to space backward.
The largest positive value is 1388607 (0x7fffff). The largest negative
value allowed is –1388608 (0xffffff).
The return value is DST_SUCCESS (0) or DST_FAILURE (-1). See “DST API Overview” on
page 5-1 for information on
errno failure messages and associated DST result codes.