Instruction manual

Page 217
where h short: board handle as issued by the
registerBoardEx function.
Group short: ADC channel group.
ChMask unsigned long: bit vector with 1’s for channels
to change and 0’s for channels to leave alone.
Gains unsigned long: channel gains value which
depends on the card type.
For PCI230 and PCI260:
bits 1 0: gain for channels 0 and 1
bits 3 2: gain for channels 2 and 3
bits 5 4: gain for channels 4 and 5
bits 7 6: gain for channels 6 and 7
bits 9 8: gain for channels 8 and 9
bits 11 10: gain for channels 10 and 11
bits 13 12: gain for channels 12 and 13
bits 15 14: gain for channels 15 and 14
Value Unipolar range Bipolar range
0 0 20V* ±10V
1 0 10V ±5V
2 0 5V ±2.5V
3 0 2.5V ±1.25V
E. . Saturates at about 12v.
For any bit in ChMask set to1, both channels
in the pair will be affected by the corresponding
pair of bits in Gains.
Returns short: OK
Prior Calls registerBoardEx
See Also AIOgetHWADCchanGain Query DAC Software Bipolar/Unipolar Settings AIOgetDACchanMode
Gets the software bipolar/unipolar mode of each DAC channel in a group. This indicates the
way cooked data is converted to raw data for each DAC channel, but does not reflect the
actual settings in the hardware.
i = AIOgetDACchanMode (h, Group, pModes)
where h short: board handle as issued by the
registerBoardEx function.
Group short: DAC channel group.