User`s guide

User's Guide Babyface © RME
A click on EQ opens the Equalizer panel. It is available in all input and output channels, and
affects all routings of the respective channel (pre fader). The panel includes a low cut and a 3-
band parametric equalizer which can be activated separately.
Lo Cut. Activated by the button Lo Cut. The slope of the high-pass filter is adjustable between
6, 12, 18 and 24 dB per octave. The cut-off point (-3 dB) is adjustable between 20 Hz and 500
EQ. Activated by the EQ button.
Type. Band 1 and 3 can operate in peak (bell) or shelf
(shelving) mode. The middle band is fixed to peak mode.
Gain. All three bands can change their amplitude
(amplification) between +20 dB to -20 dB.
Freq. The center frequency of the filter is adjustable. Band
1: 20 Hz to 10 kHz, Band 2: 100 Hz to 20 kHz, Band 3: 500
Hz to 20 kHz. While in peak mode the center frequency is
adjusted, in shelf mode the cut-off point (-3 dB) will be
Q. The Quality factor of the filter is adjustable from 0.7
(wide) to 5.0 (narrow).
The frequency graphics give a precise overview of the filter results. Overlapping filters influence
each other. This can be used to achieve more than 20 dB amplitude, or to generate difficult
frequency response optimizations.
Preset. Settings of the EQ and the Low Cut
can be stored, loaded, and copied between
channels at any time. A click on Preset opens
a menu with several entries:
¾ Recall: Presets stored before by the user
can be selected and loaded
¾ Save to: There are 16 storage places
available (EQ Preset 1 to 16)
¾ Import: Loads a previously stored TM EQ
file (.tmeq)
¾ Export: Stores the current state as TM
EQ file (.tmeq)
¾ Factory: Includes 14 examples for the
creative use of Low Cut and Equalizer
¾ Reset: Resets the Low Cut and EQ to
have zero influence (Gain 0 dB)
¾ Rename: The EQ Presets 1 to 16 can be renamed. The changes will be shown in both lists
Recall and Save to.