User`s guide

User's Guide Babyface © RME
Snapshots. Snapshots include all mixer settings, but no graphical elements like window posi-
tions, window size, number of windows, visible EQs or Settings, scroll states, Presets etc. Only
the state wide/narrow of the channels is registered. Moreover the Snapshot is only temporarily
stored. Loading a Workspace causes the loss of all stored Snapshots, when these all had not
been saved before in a Workspace, or separately via File / Save Snapshot as. Via File / Load
Snapshot the mixer states can be loaded individually.
8 different mixes can be stored under individual names in the Snapshot
section. A click on any of the 8 buttons loads the corresponding Snapshot. A
double click on the name field opens the dialog Input Name to edit the name.
As soon as the mixer state is changed the button starts flashing. A click on
Store lets all buttons flash, whereby the last loaded one, the base of the
current state, flashes inversely. The storage finishes by clicking the desired
button (means storage place). The storage process is exited by another click
on the flashing Store button.
The area Snapshots can be minimized by a click on the arrow in the title bar.
Groups. The area Groups provides 4 storage places each for fader, mute and
solo groups. The groups are valid per Workspace, being active and usable in
all 8 Snapshots. But with this they are also lost when loading a new
workspace, in case they have not been saved before in a different
: The Undo function will help in case of an accidental overwrite or
deletion of the groups.
TotalMix uses flashing signals to guide you through the group setup. After a click on Edit and
click on the desired storage place all desired functions for this group have to be activated or
selected. The storage process is finished by another click on Edit.
When setting up a fader group make sure to not add faders that are at the most top or most
lowest position, except all faders of that group have this position.
The Mute groups operate – other than the global mute – exclusively for the current routing. This
way you can not mute signals on all outputs unintentionally. Instead signals can be muted on
specific submixes by the push of a button.
A solo group operates exactly like the global solo, signals outside the current routing are not