User's Manual

Amroad Technology Inc.27
System - Basic Settings
Item Description
Device ID This ID is a unique number that assigned by manu-
Date & Time Here shows date and time set on this video door
Set New Date and
These fields allow user to set correct date and time
according to the local–standard. You may syn-
chronize phone time to match your PC by pressing
“Sync with PC” button.
TimeZone This field allows you to select your time zone to fit
your location. You can enable the Daylight-Saving
feature if needed.
NOTE: Daylight Saving Time is a way of getting
more light out of the day by advancing clocks by
one hour during the summer.
Network Time Pro-
Enable NTP Calibration service to allow the system to calibrate the time with NTP server
through Internet.
NTP Server Address You may use your preferred NTP server by input new address here.
Figure 19: System - Basic