Use Instructions

Table Of Contents
SL5019 Rev. A
Humidity limitation: 10% ~95%
Atmospheric pressure limitation: 500 hPa ~ 1060 hPa
Operating conditions
Temperature limit: 10
Humidity limitation: 10% ~95%
Atmospheric pressure limitation: 700 hPa ~ 1060 hPa
Symbols used in graphical user interface are explained in section System Overview.
Before First Use
To Unpack the Rover
󱛺 WARNING: HEAVY EQUIPMENT - ALWAYS have more than one person unpack and move this equipment
from the shipping pallet. See the Specifications section for rover weight. Failure to comply may result in personal
1. Remove the exterior packaging materials from the rover and recycle the material as required.
2. Using at least two people, remove the rover from the shipping pallet.
3. Inspect the rover and components for damage. If damage is apparent, DO NOT use the equipment.
To Initially Dock the Rover
See the To Dock the Rover section to perform initial docking of the rover.
To Test the Rover
1. To Connect Power
a. Connect the rover to facility electrical power using the power cord.
b. Tap the power switch to the ON position.
c. Read the WARNING message on the user interface, then tap the OK key to access the CONTROL screen
(Figure 7).