Operator`s manual

4.5.18: Carriage Drive Cables Removal and Replacement - Figure 4.7
1. Remove top cover.
2. As shown in Figure 4.5, depress the spring idler arm (156) and insert a screwdriver
between the lower portion of the arm and the left endplate. This relieves the tension
in the carriage drive system and makes it much easier to remove the drive cables.
3. With the carriage moved against the left endplate, loosen the outer nut (74) on the
right hand cable stud. Hold the stud with pliers or a small wrench to prevent
rotation of the stud and drive cable.
4. The inner nut (74) may now be removed. The right-hand cable (125) is now free of
the carriage and may be threaded back through the right endplate (82) and back to
the drive spool. The cable may be removed from the spool by slipping the cable
and bead out of the small slot on the end of the drive spool.
5. The remaining left-hand cable (117) may be similarly removed by moving carriage
to the right endplate and disconnecting the drive cable stud from the carriage
bracket. The cable may now be unthreaded through the left endplate (144) and
removed from the drive spool.
Figure 4.5: Push Pulley Towards Endplate