Instruction manual

Appendix C – Virtual NetLinx Master
DXLink Transmitters & Receivers Instruction Manual
2. Click the New button.
The New Telnet Address dialog box opens.
3. Enter the default static IP address for the module: and click OK.
4. Select the new address in the List of Addresses.
5. Click the Select button and click OK.
6. A Telnet session opens.
7. At the prompt (>), type SET DEVICE <num> and press Enter.
For the variable <num>, the valid range of device numbers is 0 to 31999.
Setting a device number does not require a reboot to take effect.
8. At the prompt, type SET CONNECTION and press Enter.
9. Specify TCP for the connection and the PC’s static IP address for the Master.
The Transmitter or Receiver displays under the Virtual Master and is now ready for file transfers.
Note: The process can be repeated for additional Transmitters and Receivers.
File transfers via a Virtual Master:
IRL file transfers, see page 65
Firmware file transfers, see page 95
Important: Once you have finished using the Virtual Master – If you disabled a network connection
before setting the PC’s static IP address, disable the Virtual Master’s network connection and enable
the original connection now.