Instruction manual

Installation and Setup
Epica DGX 16 and Epica DGX 32 Instruction Manual
Linking Enclosures
Epica DGX 16 and 32 enclosures can link to each other or to most other types of AMX AutoPatch
Distribution Matrices (see the tables below).
Important: The shipping boxes each have a bright yellow/green sticker that states that the unit
(enclosure) is part of a multiple-enclosure system and must be installed with the same serial
The Epica DGX 16 and 32 enclosures use two Ethernet (10/Base-T) ports on their CPUs to link to other
enclosures. These ports are labeled Enc Link. Do not use the port labeled TCP/IP for linking enclosures.
Linking enclosures allows control information to pass between them. In a multiple-enclosure system,
the enclosure with a control panel or with an external controller attached receives control information
and passes on relevant information to the other enclosures via the links, as well as retrieving a control
request for success/failure from each of them.
Caution: AMX AutoPatch systems should only be linked in their own isolated networks.
If any of the linked enclosures were not part of the original system, contact technical support
(see page 42) for important information not included here.
Enclosures and Ethernet Connectors
The method used for linking depends on the type of Ethernet connector on each enclosure’s CPU.
The table below indicates the type of Ethernet connectors available on AMX AutoPatch enclosures.
* The RJ-45 port is labeled “Enc Link.”
Link Cables and Equipment
AMX provides link cables and equipment for enclosures that are ordered as part of a linked system.
Epica DGX 16 and 32 enclosures can link to each other or to other AMX AutoPatch Distribution
Matrices using the cable and equipment specified in the table below. A Multi-Port (8 or 5) Switch is also
provided for some types of multiple-enclosure systems.
Note: Either RJ-45 crossover cable (provided) or RJ-45 straight-through patch cable can be used
because the Enc Link ports on the Epica DGX 16 and 32 enclosures automatically adjust to either
type of cable.
Enclosure Ethernet 10Base-T (RJ-45*) Ethernet 10Base-2 (BNC)
Epica DGX 16 and 32
Epica DG and Epica DGX 144
Epica-128 and Epica-256
Modula and Modula CatPro
Optima and Optima SD
Precis SD
Link Cable and Equipment for Epica DGX 16 and 32 Linked Systems
= Cable = Converter = Cable = Enclosure
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Epica DGX 16 or 32
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Epica DG or Epica DGX 144
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Media Converter RG-58 coax Epica-128 or Epica-256
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Media Converter RG-58 coax Modula or Modula CatPro
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Optima or Optima SD
Epica DGX 16 or 32
RJ-45 Precis SD