Instruction manual

Octaire Control Panel Operation
Octaire Instruction Manual
Unlocking the Control Panel
When the panel is locked and you press any key, the Unlock Panel Screen appears and you have ten (10)
seconds to enter the password, or the Control Panel remains locked. If you wait longer than 10 seconds,
press any key again before entering the password.
If you enter the wrong password while attempting to unlock the Control Panel, an invalid password
message appears and the Cancel Key flashes. Press the Cancel Key to clear the error and enter the
correct password.
To unlock the Control Panel:
Press any key.
The Unlock Panel Screen appears, and (Input Keys 1 through 8 turn blue).
You must enter the password within ten (10) seconds.
2. Press the Input Keys in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (default password).
The panel unlocks and returns to the Function menu.