Instruction manual

APWeb Expansion Board
Optima SD Instruction Manual
If APWeb opens but appears to be stalled (the message “Waiting to detect AutoPatch system
on the network” displays for more than 30 seconds):
Connect the PC directly to a serial port* on one of the enclosures with a null modem cable.
Open HyperTerminal (or other terminal emulation program).
Power cycle the Optima SD; the splash screen appears with the firmware version number.
Verify that the firmware version is 1.2.0 or greater (see the graphic below).
If the version reported is not 1.2.0 or greater (required for compatibility with an APWeb
expansion board), contact technical support (see page 34) for a firmware upgrade.
* The serial port settings on the PC must be set at: baud rate – 9600, data bits – 8, stop bit – 1,
parity – none, and flow control – none.
If the firmware version is compatible:
Try reestablishing the connection.
If the problem persists:
Verify and record the following information and contact technical support (see page 34).
Enter the diagnostic command ~scrv3i4!
Verify that the board ID number for the APWeb expansion board is displayed under the
expansion boards line. The ID number will be a combination of four digits and
characters, e.g., 00a0 (0000 indicates an empty expansion slot). The order that the ID
number is listed indicates its position, e.g., listed first means it’s next to the CPU board.
[1:Enclosure] AutoPatch Optima v1.4.0
Firmware version
APWeb Board ID (00a0)
[4:Hardware Boards] detected
[io boards] count = 5
[board 1] 40d5
[board 2] 40d5
[board 3] 40d5
[board 4] 40fc
[board 5] 4180
[expansion boards] count = 1
[board 1] 00a0
[board 2] 0000