Installation guide

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Unplug the power to the unit and refer servicing to qualified personnel under
the following conditions:
If liquid has been spilled or the unit has been exposed to rain or water.
If it does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed or if
it exhibits a distinct change in performance indicating a need for service.
If the unit has been dropped or the cabinet damaged.
Note: Make sure the unit is unplugged from the mains power source while making
initial connections.
PC Connections
1. Connect the PC sources to the sockets labelled PC 1 & PC 2.
2. Connect the primary output to Output 1 and then if a secondary output is
required, connect it to Output2.
3. Connect the audio sources for the PC inputs to the inputs labelled PC 1 & PC 2
in the audio block.
Video Connections
1. Connect the Composite and S-Video sources to the inputs labelled Video 1,
Video 2 & Video 3.
2. Connect the corresponding audio input to it's socket in the audio block.
3. Connect the video display device to either the composite output and/or the S-
Video output.
CAUTION: Do not connect a composite and S-Video input to the same input, this
may damage the equipment. Only the video output should ever have both
connections populated.
Audio Connections
1. If an auxiliary audio input is required then connect it to the input labelled AUX
in the audio block.
2. Connect the audio output to the input of the chosen amplifier or other audio
Microphone Connections
The unit comes with an internal 12V supply for use as microphone phantom power. If
this is not required or a separate phantom power supply is required then make sure
the phantom power supply switch is set to the off position.
CAUTION: Make sure the phantom power settings are correct before connecting the
microphone to avoid damage to equipment. Do not exceed 48v phantom power
supply, exceeding this limit may result in damage to the equipment and create a
hazardous situation.
If a separate phantom power supply is required connect it to the screw terminals
labelled Power + and gnd.
Connect the microphone to the balanced input labelled Mic +, - and gnd.
Balanced Output Connections
If balanced audio output is required connect it to the screw terminals labelled
balanced output left & right, hot & cold and ground.
Serial Control Connections
Connect the display device serial control to the screw terminals labelled Display Tx
& Rx.
For setting up the equipment and for remote control of the switch connect to the PC
Comms Tx & Rx terminals.
The ground terminal is shared between the two connections.
Ensure to cross-connect the serial devices, so that TX goes to RX, RX goes to
TX, and GROUND goes to GROUND.
Double check all connections before connecting power to the unit.
In order to correctly set up the AVS-SL-PR-0201-0301 switch, download the Solecis
Device Configuration Software from, then click on Support.
Once installed, make sure the switch is connected correctly to a PC serial port and
then start the device installer software.
The software will scan the serial ports on the PC and find the attached device
(FIG. 2).
Double click on the required port and the devices front control status will then be
displayed (FIG. 3).
FIG. 3 shows the PC control panel for the AVS-SL-PR-0201-0301, it replicates
exactly what is seen on the front of the unit.
Clicking on a button on the screen will have the same effect as manually pressing the
equivalent button.
Click on the Unit Address to change the value set for installation where multiple
addressable units are required.
When the reset interface option is checked then every time the power supply to the
unit is reset, it will initialise itself into the default mode of PC 1 selected with no mix,
no mute and the mode set to AV.
Note: Refer to the Solecis AVS-SL-PR-0201-0301 Presentation Switcher Operation/
Reference Guide for details on configuring the unit.
Power On
This button turns the display device on, the button lights to show the current status.
Power Off
This button turns the display device off, the butt on lights to show the current status.
PC1 & PC2
These button allow input selection of the two PC inputs. The button lights to reflect
the press.
Video 1, 2 & 3
Same as PC1 & PC2 but for the video inputs.
Same again but for the auxiliary audio input. This can only be selected in AV & Audio
Mute / Blank
Blanks the video and mutes the audio in AV mode, blank in video mode and mute in
Toggles between the three modes, AV, Video and Audio.
Volume Up & Down
Used to control the volume of the line level output. This control is a master volume
control and thus affects all of the input volume levels but does not change the
differences in attenuation. Therefore, once the input with the highest attenuation
level reaches minimum volume, the volume cannot be reduced any more regardless
of the current input level. The same applies for increasing the volume.
Mic Mix
When selected, the switched audio is combined with the microphone onto the
balanced output. By holding the mix button for 2-3 seconds, the unit is placed in
microphone volume adjust mode. The volume control lights will flash and at which
point the volume buttons will now control the microphone volume level only. Holding
the mix button in for a further 2-3 seconds takes the unit back to normal operation
and the buttons stop flashing.
Mic Mute
Mutes the microphone input when selected.
Audio Breakaway
When the device is in audio breakaway mode, the input that is highlighted is the last
button pressed, it does not necessarily reflect the full extents of the switcher’s current
For example if in AV mode that PC1 was selected then the mode was change to
video mode and Video 1 was selected then video 1 would be displayed but the audio
would still be set the PC1 and not be reflected on the display at all.
Additional Documentation
Refer to the Solecis AVS-SL-PR-0201-0301 Presentation Switcher Operation/
Reference Guide (available online at for details on installing and
configuring the unit as well as supported Send Commands and Troubleshooting info.
FIG. 2
Attached Devices
FIG. 3 Switch Status Monitor