
AMX Novara DCS1000 Device Configuration Software
Novara ControlPads & KeyPads
1. From the Ancillary options (in the System window), select Time Out (FIG. 114):
2. This invokes the Time Out window (FIG. 115):
3. Use the arrows on the Hours and Minutes fields to set a time for Time Period 1.
4. Write a script, as usual.
When the panel is configured and a button press is not detected within the time period then the script will execute.
A 2nd period can be set to occur after the 1st period has elapsed. Again if a button press has still not occurred
within that time then the 2nd period script will execute.
A 3rd period can be set to occur after the 2nd period has elapsed. If a button press is detected at any time then
the internal clock will be reset back to detect for a button press during the 1st period.
File Menu
The file menu gives the option to Save and Open program files.
To clear the program for writing new programs click on ‘New
Clicking on ‘Print Script’ will print out a hard copy of the Script.
Run Mode
There are two modes of operation, selectable via the Run Mode menu item:
Manual Mode – normal configuration mode.
Auto-Run – events in a script will start running 5 seconds after switch on.
Up to 1330 events can be programmed in a script and can be continually looped.
From the Run Mode menu select Auto-Run then Continue.
Write the script then click on Loop if you want the script to continually run.
Downloading the Program
When a program has been written it can then be downloaded to the ControlPad:
1. Select Program > Download from the menu bar.
2. The application will prompt you to connect the USB Programming Cable to a USB port on your PC and the
ControlPad’s Program port (FIG. 116):
FIG. 114 Ancillary options - Time Out
FIG. 115 Time Out window
Changing Run Mode will erase all Manual Run events.
FIG. 116 Download Program window