
Control Strings for AxLink
Novara ControlPads & KeyPads
Control Strings for AxLink
Available Control Strings
The Novara AxLink keypads require the Control Commands to be sent as
Available Control Strings
Command Function
BL=xx Set Backlight level
xx = 00-99
NOTE: numbers must be listed in format given, with single numbers prefaced with "0".
MB=xx Set Max Brightness
xx = 00-99
NOTE: numbers must be listed in format given, with single numbers prefaced with "0".
FR=xx Set Flash Rate
xx = 00-99
NOTE: numbers must be listed in format given, with single numbers prefaced with "0".
PR=xx Set Pulse Rate
xx = 00-99
Adjusting the pulse rate sets the rise and fall time within the flash rate, to be effective, both may need to
be adjusted. AMX recommends leaving as default values.
NOTE: numbers must be listed in format given, with single numbers prefaced with "0".
SLnn=a Set LED State
nn = Button number (01-32), 00 = All
a = LED state (1 – Low, 2 – High, 3 – Flash, 4 – Off, 5 – Pulse)
SLGbbbb=a Set LED Group
bbbb = 32 bits, 1 bit per LED (1 change, 0 leave)
a = LED state (1 – Low, 2 – High, 3 – Flash, 4 – Off, 5 – Pulse)
SRQ Request Status
Returns 32 bytes of LED button status (byte 1 = LED 1 etc)
IRQ Request Setup Info
Returns 7 bytes (Byte 1 = Backlight level, 2 = Max brightness level, 3 = Flash rate,
4 = Pulse rate, 5 = orientation, 0=Vertical, 1=Horizontal
Bytes 6&7 are the firmware version installed where values of 1 and 0 mean firmware version 1.0
SETHZ Set Horizontal Layout
SETVT Set Vertical Layout