Corporation Control System Accessories Operation/Reference Guide

Anterus Configuration Manager
Anterus RFID Solution
The lower section of this page provides configuration options for each Tag assigned to this Reader:
Tag Configuration Options (Reader Configuration Page)
Tag ID: Indicates the Tag ID assigned to each Tag (display-only).
Name: Use this field to assign a friendly name to each Tag.
Detail: Click the Detail icon to access a popup window containing detailed info on
the selected Tag (see the Viewing Tag Details section on page 23).
Info: Use this field to assign a descriptive string to each Tag.
Acquired Threshold The Tag’s Acquired Threshold value works in conjunction with the Reader's
Acquired Threshold setting, and can be used to further filter active RFID
Tag messages (via the Reader's Filter Tag Levels option).
Note: The Tag’s Acquired Threshold value does not override filtering
already configured on the Reader.
Status (Acquired/Offline): Indicates the current status of the selected Tag (display-only).
Acquired indicates that the Tag has been detected by the Reader and is
currently being tracked by the RFID Reader.
Offline indicates that the Tag has moved out of range, and is currently
below the Acquired Threshold
Delete Click to remove any Tag from the ANterus system.
The Tag configuration options on this page are identical to those presented on the
Global Register page (see FIG. 19 on page 19).
Settings made to a specific Tag (in the Reader Configuration page - FIG. 25) will
override the Global settings made in the Global Registry page.