System information

Lutron® integration protocol
HomeWorks® QS (continued)
System Commands (continued)
SYSVAR Commands
SYSVAR Command Formats
SYSVAR Command-specific fields
Action Numbers and Parameters:
Action Action Number Parameters
Set (#) or Get (?) the state
of a given variable
1 State number
Example SYSVAR Messages
Operation Command String
Execute: #SYSVAR, Integration ID, Action Number, Parameters
Set the variable state to the third state. #SYSVAR,2,1,3<CR><LF>
Query: ?SYSVAR, Integration ID, Action Number
What is the state of the variable? ?SYSVAR,2,1<CR><LF>
Response: ~SYSVAR, Integration ID, Action Number, Parameters
The variable is in the third state. ~SYSVAR,2,1,3<CR><LF>
Use “SYSVAR Command-specific fields” tables
to complete these command fields.
#SYSVAR,2,Action Number, Parameters