
Data Sheet AD9524
Rev. D | Page 43 of 56
Serial Port Configuration (Address 0x000 to Address 0x006)
Table 32. SPI Mode Serial Port Configuration
Address Bits Bit Name Description
0x000 7 SDO active Selects unidirectional or bidirectional data transfer mode. This bit is ignored in I
C mode.
0: SDIO pin used for write and read; SDO is high impedance (default).
1: SDO used for read; SDIO used for write; unidirectional mode.
6 LSB first/
SPI MSB or LSB data orientation. This bit is ignored in I
C mode.
0: data-oriented MSB first; addressing decrements (default).
1: data-oriented LSB first; addressing increments.
5 Soft reset Soft reset.
1 (self clearing): soft reset; restores default values to internal registers.
4 Reserved Reserved.
Bits[3:0] should always mirror Bits[7:4] so that it does not matter whether the part is in MSB first or LSB
first mode (see Register 0x000, Bit 6). Set bits as follows:
Bit 0 = Bit 7.
Bit 1 = Bit 6.
Bit 2 = Bit 5.
Bit 3 = Bit 4.
0x004 0 Read back
active registers
For buffered registers, serial port readback reads from actual (active) registers instead of from the buffer.
0 (default): reads values currently applied to the internal logic of the device.
1: reads buffered values that take effect on the next assertion of the I/O update.
Table 33. I
C Mode Serial Port Configuration
Address Bits Bit Name Description
0x000 [7:6] Reserved Reserved.
5 Soft reset Soft reset.
1 (self clearing): soft reset; restores default values to internal registers.
4 Reserved Reserved.
[3:0] Mirror[7:4] Bits[3:0] should always mirror Bits[7:4]. Set bits as follows:
Bit 0 = Bit 7.
Bit 1 = Bit 6.
Bit 2 = Bit 5.
Bit 3 = Bit 4.
0x004 0 Read back
active registers
For buffered registers, serial port readback reads from actual (active) registers instead of from the buffer.
0 (default): reads values currently applied to the internal logic of the device.
1: reads buffered values that take effect on the next assertion of the I/O update.
Table 34. EEPROM Customer Version ID
Address Bits Bit Name Description
0x005 [7:0] EEPROM
version ID (LSB)
16-bit EEPROM ID, Bits[7:0]. This register, along with Register 0x006, allows the user to store a unique
ID to identify which version of the AD9524 register settings is stored in the EEPROM. It does not affect
AD9524 operation in any way (default: 0x00).
0x006 [7:0] EEPROM
version ID (MSB)
bit EEPROM ID, Bits[15:8]. This register, along with Register 0x005, allows the user to store a unique
ID to identify which version of the AD9524 register settings is stored in the EEPROM. It does not affect
AD9524 operation in any way (default: 0x00).