Use Instructions

Table Of Contents
Version C
Clinician Instructions for Use Device and Mobile Application
Adhesive Disposables
The adhesive disposables attach to the CPM Device with gentle hook and loop material like that found on an infant
diaper. The skin-side adhesive is a low-tack medical silicone. Hydrogel material is embedded in the adhesive stack,
and these hydrogel areas overlay the metal electrodes on the device to create a robust electrode-skin contact. Finally,
there is a double-sided silicone adhesive that aligns with the acoustic sensor.
The adhesive stack consists of two tear-apart adhesive islands, one for each side of the device, which align with the
shape of the CPM Device. The adhesive stack includes a liner material that protects the skin-side adhesive and
hydrogel when not in use.
The adhesives are disposable items for single person use only and can be disposed of in the trash after use. They are
meant to be used in conjunction with the CPM Device for up to a week at a time. Adhesive refills will be provided to
patients throughout their prescriptions as needed.
Figure 2 a-b. a) Adhesive packs. b) Rendering of the CPM Adhesive Disposable.
Alignment Tool
The CPM System features an alignment tool accessory intended to repeatably fit the device onto the patient’s body.
The alignment tool positions the device relative to the clavicular notch and ensures consistent device placement.
The placement guide comes in two pieces (the “Alignment Strap” and the “Housing Attachment Mechanism”) and its
length is configurable by the clinical team during the initial set-up visit of the CPM System. The tool snaps onto the
electronics housing of the CPM Device and is held using the index finger at the clavicular notch to help keep the
device in place reliably. The guide is removed after the device is positioned.
Figure 3. The CPM Alignment Tool.