Evaluation Board User Guide

UG-001 Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 24
Figure 6. VisualAnalog, Main Window
4. Program the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ boards FPGA to a setting
other than the default setting as described in Step 3. Then
expand the VisualAnalog display and click the Settings
button in the ADC Data Capture block (see Figure 6). The
ADC Data Capture Settings box opens (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. ADC Data Capture Settings Window, Board Settings Tab
5. Select the Board Settings tab and browse to the appropriate
programming file. If you are using an encode rate <28 MSPS,
select Octal_Low_Speed.bin. If you are using an encode
rate >28 MSPS, select Octal_High_Speed.bin. Next, click
Program; the DONE LED in the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board
should then turn on. If more than two channels are required
to be displayed, select Octal_High_8-Channel_synchronous
Capture.bin. This canvas allows the user to display all the
channels at once. The drawback is that each FFT display is
only 8k points.
Exit the ADC Data Capture Settings box by clicking OK.
Setting Up the SPI Controller
After the ADC data capture board setup is completed, set up the
SPI Controller using the following procedure:
1. Open the SPI Controller software by going to the Start
menu or double-clicking the SPI Controller software
desktop icon. If prompted for a configuration file, select
the appropriate one. If not, check the title bar of the
window to determine which configuration is loaded. If
necessary, choose Cfg Open from the File menu and select
the appropriate one. Note that the CHIP ID(1) field should
be filled to indicate whether the correct SPI Controller
configuration file is loaded or not (see Figure 8).
Figure 8. SPI Controller, CHIP ID(1) Box
2. Click the New DUT button in the SPI Controller.
Figure 9. SPI Controller, New DUT Button
3. In the Global tab of the SPI Controller, find the CHIP
GRADE(2) box. Use the drop-down box to select the
correct speed grade, if necessary. See the AD9272 or AD9273
data sheet, the AN-878 Application Note, and the AN-877
Application Note for reference.