User manual

CAN API reference
12 © 2007-2010 Analytica GmbH
CANCloseDevice — Closes an open network connection to an AnaGate CAN device.
#include <AnaGateDllCan.h>
int CANCloseDevice(int hHandle);
hHandle Valid access handle.
Return value
Returns Null if successful, or an error value otherwise (Appendix A, Return Codes).
Closes an open network connection to an AnaGate CAN device. The hHandle parameter is a return value
of a succesfull call to the function CANOpenDevice.
It is recommended to close the connection, because all internally allocated system resources
are freed again and the connected AnaGate device is signalled that the active connection is
not longer in use and can be used again for new connect requests.
See also
CANOpenDevice, CANOpenDeviceEx