User manual

CAN API reference
18 © 2007-2010 Analytica GmbH
CANGetFilter — Returns the current filter settings for the connection.
#include <AnaGateDllCAN.h>
int CANGetFilter(int hHandle, int * pnFilter);
hHandle Valid access handle.
pnFilter Pointer to an array of 8 filter entries (4 mask and 4 range filter entries). A filter entry contains
of two 32-bit values. Unused mask filter entries are initialized with 0 values. Unused range
filter entries are initialized with (0,0x1FFFFFFF) value pairs.
Return value
Returns Null if successful, or an error value otherwise (Appendix A, Return Codes).
This function retrieves the current filter settings for the current connection. Filter can be used to suppress
messages with specific CAN message ids.
See also