User's Manual

A8520E24A91 – Users Manual Page 9 of 28
Release Date: Dec 27
2.1. Network Topology and Nomenclature
A A8520E24A91 network consists of one Protocol Master (PM) and one or two Protocol
Slave(s) (PS). The PM provides the audio reference clock and controls network association.
The PS regenerate the audio reference clock based on the packets received. Audio can be
transmitted from the PM to a PS. The device receiving the audio is called an Audio Sink, the
device sending the audio is called an Audio Source. A device can be both Audio Sink and Audio
Source at the same time (bidirectional audio will be supported in future revisions of the
firmware). The CC8520 network also includes a Data Side-Channel which is a bi-directional
data link between the PM and all PS in the network. This is further described in chapter 8.
Error! Reference source not found. Illustrates the different network topologies that can be
formed with CC8520 using the different firmware versions.