Quick Guide

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4.4.1 DDNS SETUP Step 1---Choosing a Name for your Camera on the Internet
With typical residential internet service your router’s IP address can change from time to time. Looking up the current IP
address can be inconvenient, and buying a static IP address is an unnecessary monthly expense. www.dtdns.com and
www.dyndns.com are the recommended companies for Dynamic DNS” service. Also known as DDNS, this is a totally
free service that allows your own name to be assigned to your camera. This name takes the place of the IP address.
Together with software in your camera this also makes sure the name for your camera is always updated with the
correct IP address.
First you create a free account with one or both of these companies. We’ll take www.dtdns.com as an example. The
“create account” function is beside Log in below. Do not register a domain or sign up for any other paid services. You just
need the free account.
Once you have an account and once you validated it by responding to their email, log in and select” Hosts/ Redirects” on
the top left of the screen, then “Add Host”. For Hostname, pick anything you like as a name for your camera, except do
not use spaces. Use only lower case letters and numbers. Then click on the domain names you can pick from, as well as
some that they consider premium names worth paying for. For example, you could pick servehttp.com as your demo
Then be sure that only “DNS Host (A)” is selected. Don’t worry about the current IP address and don’t change anything
else. Click on “Create Host” and you’re done! Please write down your complete hostname as well as the username and
password you used for logging in to No-IP.com as you’ll need it for the next step.
DynDNS.com is very similar but in their case there is an additional step of checking out a shopping cart with a zero dollar
Now proceed to the next section to make sure your name is updated correctly.