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5.5.4 OSD Setup
Click on OSD Setup under the Camera Menu to change the on-screen display parameters of the camera.
On Screen Display Setting Options
[OSD] Enable or Disable the On Screen Display.
OSD Options
[Display date and time] Set the OSD to display the Date and Time of the camera. Please note that this function will
simply display the date and time that has been programmed in the camera and therefore the time and date may
be incorrect unless the camera is synchronized to a time and date server on the internet. This is accessible under
the Tools menu and will be covered in more detail in the manual.
[Display system name] Set the OSD to display the System Name of the camera. The system name can be modified from
the System Identity page, accessible under the Tools menu, and will be covered in more detail in the manual.
[Display the text below] Set the OSD to display specific text. Use the text field to input the desired text.
Click Apply to confirm your setting.