User Manual

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Before Going to the Lab
Perform a Control Solution test to make sure that the meter is working properly.
If possible, fast for at least eight hours before conducting a comparison test.
Take your Wireless Smart Glucose Meter with you to the lab.
While at the Lab
Make sure that samples for both tests are taken and tested within 15 minutes of each other.
Wash your hands before obtaining a blood sample.
Never use your glucose meter with blood samples collected in a test tube.
Use fresh capillary blood only.
Cleaning and Disinfection
The cleaning and disinfection is absolutely necessary for the test procedure, because cleaning can
insure the meter works well (for example, display will be clear to see after cleaning); and disinfection
can avoid the infection to you or to the other people, and the crossinfection.
We strongly warn that the protective cover is needed when use the iOS device to test the blood
glucose , the meter and lancing device should be cleaned and disinfected following use. And we
suggest you use the following product: CaviWipes (EPA registration number 467818).
The CaviWipes, with Isopropanol and Diisobutylphenoxyethoxyethyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium
chloride as the active ingredient, have been shown to be safe for use with the BG5 Blood Glucose
meter and lancing device.
You can purchase this product according to the following information: visit the web site or contact Metrex at 8008411428 for product or technical information.
The meter and the lancing device are for singlepatient use, if user test 56 times every day, the
devices may be cleaned and desinfected 56 times per day, as a result, there will be 11000 cycles
cleanings plus disinfections (1 cycle = 1 cleaning + 1 disinfection) for the meter and the device during
its 5 years life cycle.