User's Manual

WLS Installation and Maintenance Manual Installation
Wireless Location System 28
Andrew Corporation Proprietary
If necessary, the AOA WLS fault may be further isolated by bypassing the RFDU (i.e., cabling the
antenna switch directly to the WLS) and re-running the test. If all of the above checks show no
problems with the physical installation or the RFDU, then the WLS should be returned for repair.
2.10.5 CDMA Mezzanine Test
If a mezzanine card is installed (CDMA site), then the CDMA mezzanine test is used to verify
correct performance. If a mezzanine card is not installed, then the test will be bypassed. The
mezzanine test checks all SDRAM memory, checks all registers and communication interfaces
and simulates real signals via stored data. The test is run over multiple iterations (up to 10) to
check for failures.
An example of the test display is shown below:
Enter your choice: 5
BPU 0: Testing SDRAM ...
Writing ramp data to SDRAM ...
Comparing SDRAM to expected values...
BPU 0: Testing Secondary Mode...
CDMA Test:
Simulating Data...
Loading Data...
Collecting Data ...
Iteration 1: Test Result: PASS
Simulating Data...
Loading Data...
Collecting Data ...
Iteration 2: Test Result: PASS
Simulating Data...
Loading Data...
Collecting Data ...
Iteration 3: Test Result: PASS
Simulating Data...
Loading Data...
Collecting Data ...
Iteration 10: Test Result: PASS
Re-initializing ...
unzip_mcs_files has finished.
Mezzanine Test Result: PASS
Press any key to continue.
Failure of a mezzanine test indicates an internal WLS board fault. The failed unit should be
returned for repair.
2.10.6 GPS Test
The GPS Test reads the GPS receiver status and checks for satellite tracking and alarm