User's Guide

Rel 00 08/04/98 BriteCell Dual Band Operative and maintenance Handbook
Tekmar Sistemi S.r.l. keeps the right of any change or improvement without prior notice. Pag.5/15
Environmental Conditions :
Temperature : 5-40°C
Chemical materials : Do not install in corrosive atmosphere or environments, in any
environment with explosive materials or with inflammable
substances ;
Installation site features:
The installation of the rack has to be carried out by proper and competent staff. Besides,
the system is supposed to be used for indoor installation.
The rack has to be positioned in indoor environments, dry and suitable for this purpose,
no explosion risks is present ;
the environment is not classified as a high-risk one in case of fire;
powders in suspension are not to be found in great concentration;
the environment is not subject to any traffic which could cause crash damages;
the site is properly located with respect to the ergonomic positioning of the working
environments ;
the system is placed in a private room, protected against any possible violation .
Connection to the electrical network
The connection to the electrical network has to be carried out following all necessary
precautions , and namely :
it must be properly made according to the due diligence rules (ex. : CEI rules, IEC
rules, etc.) ;
in accordance with the rules for the safety against direct or indirect contacts;
in accordance with the rules for the safety against the overcurrent (short circuit,
in accordance with the rules for the safety against the overtensions;
the connection is to be carried out by proper and competent staff