User's Guide

Rel 00 08/04/98 BriteCell Dual Band Operative and maintenance Handbook
Tekmar Sistemi S.r.l. keeps the right of any change or improvement without prior notice. Pag.8/15
BRITECELL is an RF distribution/concentration system, based on electrical to optical conversion,
and fibre transmission.
It is mainly intended for cellular indoor coverage, because of its intrinsic high dynamic range, and
RF performances.
The DUAL BAND system provides coverage for two bands :one in the 800-1000 MHz range the
other in the 1700-2000 MHz
A local interface (composed of 6 plug in local interface modules or of 1 standalone local interface
unit) provides RF connection with BTS and conversion to optical in both UL and DL paths; each
Local interface has a single RF connector per path, while four optical connectors per path are
provided to interface the fibre cables driving the remote units.
The local interface modules can be combined in groups of two or three through one or more RF
combiners, according to the specific coverage and indoor cells design.
The local interface contains the required auxiliary circuitry, including AC mains power supply.
The remote transceivers provide air-interface to coverage area; each of them includes a high-
efficiency surface antenna, RF to optical interface in both UL and DL paths, RF LNA and PA,
control and auxiliary functions, and AC mains power supply.
An auxiliary RF port is available, to additionally connect a passive antenna for better coverage
shaping. The RF combiner is taken as part of the antenna feeder; the related loss is 3.8dB per
arm. The system can be provide with a customised feature (TFAad1H-c/2), which allows an
additional Pager transmit in Down link at 280 ± 5 MHz; it is suited to carry Flex or Pocsag signals.
please refer to the specification sheets