User Manual

4. Commissioning
Page 31
5. Retain the cable connector with the
counter wrench and fasten the
coupling nut with the torque wrench
until the torque is applied (torque
wrench clicks).
For angled antenna connectors use your
hand to retain the cable connector and
fasten the coupling nut with the torque
wrench. Make sure only the coupling nut
is turned, not the cable connector.
4.2.8. Optical-Fiber-Cable Connection - Rules
Main optical system parameters:
Single mode fiber, type is E9/125 µm
Attenuation: <0.36 dB / km @ 1310 nm / <0.26 dB / km @ 1550 nm
Dispersion: <3.5 ps / nm km @ 1310 nm / <18.0 ps / nm km @ 1550 nm
Fibre-cable connectors E2000 APC 8°
ION-M system:
The pigtails for the connection between Master Unit and Remote Unit must
have a sufficient length. Protection for the optical fibers must be provided
where the fibers feed into the units.
The system attenuation of the optical fibers, including the connectors, must
not exceed 10 dB.
System attenuation and attenuation of optical components must be determined. This
can be achieved by measuring attenuation with an appropriate measuring instrument.
For pigtails, a total value of <0.4 dB (measured to a reference plug) can be assumed
due to the dead zone of the reflectometer. These measurements must be made with
a sufficient length of optical fiber, at the input and output of the device which has to
be measured.
Fiber-System Installation:
Fiber-cable connectors have to be of the same type (E2000 APC ) as the
connectors used for the unit. The fiber-optic cables are connected to the optical
Note: Angled connectors are not compatible with straight optical
connectors; non-compatibility of connectors will result in
permanent damage to both connectors.
Torque wrench