User's Manual

Andrew InCellFiber Optic Distributed Antenna System Users Guide
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The RAU is (shown at Figure 7) weighs only 0.6 pounds and is 38 mm (length) x 127 mm
(width) x 165 mm (height). This compact size makes it suitable for close mounting to the
Figure 7. Remote Antenna Unit
The Signal Distribution Unit
The third building block module is the Signal Distribution Unit (SDU). This is a 1U rack mount
unit housing a standard 8-way power divider that is placed in front of the CDU to drive eight
CDUs from one service input. Using an architecture of one SDU and eight CDUs, 48 antenna
locations can be served (see Figure 8). Using an architecture of nine SDUs dividing the service
signal to 64 CDUs, 384 antenna locations can be served (see Figure 9). These approaches are
best housed coherently in 19-inch equipment racks as depicted in Figures 25 and 26.