User's Manual

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385700-1006-006 DIAGNOSTIC LCP MENU
Document use is restricted to that described on cover 8-3
Phase II WAYSIDE LCP MENU SW Ver #: 01.01
1 Vehicle Addr. (Train ID) 21 A/D Select 41 Read Track
2 Set PN Index (CDMA Code) 22 Set Clock Search 42 Read AGC
3 Program Synthesizers 23 OS-9 Shell 43 Power
4 Reserved 24 Set RCS Address 44 Test EEPROM
5 Reset DSP 25 Reserved 45 Read PA/Temp
6 Reserved 26 SSR Status Request 46 Poll Response
7 Reset PN 27 System Block Status 47 Select Antenna
8 Reset PN (RX,STROBE) 28 Status Request 48 unused
9 Reserved 29 Show Poll Counters 49 unused
10 Set Upper Threshold 30 Clear Poll Counters 50 Read Memory
11 Upper Thres w/o PN Reset 31 Reserved
12 Set Lower Threshold 32 Read TRACK/AGC Values
13 Lower Thres w/o PN Reset 33 Set dBm Output Level
14 Set Lower Lock Threshold 34 Change dBm/DAC Values
15 Disable Transmitter 35 Serial EEPROM Display
16 Enable Transmitter 36 Save Current Settings
17 Load SC Register 37 Load TnD SC Register
18 Disable Test Port 38 Reserved
19 Enable Test Port 39 Toggle Temp Compensation
20 PN Test Select 40 Display System Log
Figure 8-2 MDR LCP Menu
A description of the commands, their applicability to BDR or MDR, and the required
response(s) to be entered are given below.
Send Poll Requests BDR
This command causes the BDR to send or stop sending poll requests to an MDR. The
poll request is sent to Vehicle Address 1000
. The poll requests are sent at an
approximate rate of one request per second. The LCP displays the current state of the
polling after this command is entered. The polling state toggles between sending and
stopping poll requests each time the command is entered.
Vehicle Addr. (Train ID) MDR
This command is used to set the 16 bit address of an MDR. Each MDR requires a
unique vehicle address. The allowable address range is 0001
. The
address, FFFF
, is reserved for the Broadcast message.