
The scope of this manual is to provide preventive mainte-
nance information together with detailed operational proce-
dures that are required to support maintenance of a 4.5-
Meter Transportable Receive/Transmit Earth Station
Antenna. The manual is comprised of five distinct sections
to provide convenient reference for authorized operator/ser-
vice personnel requiring technical information on general
system or specific subsystem equipment.
This manual is divided into five distinct sections each of
which deals with a specific technical topic relating to sys-
tem/component subsystem information. The major divisions
of the manual are described and listed under the following
1. Introduction - describes overall manual content, equip-
ment purpose and brief description of the subsystems/com-
2. Operation - describes general operational procedures of
the applicable electro-mechanical subsystems required dur-
ing performance of the earth station system.
3. Preventive Maintenance - describes periodic preventive
maintenance procedures on electro-mechanical com-
ponents and subsystems required to maintain proper func-
tional operation of the earth station system.
4. Drawings - includes assembly installation drawings, in-
terface wiring diagrams between electro-mechanical earth-
station subsystem components and schematic diagrams of
the subsystem components.
ary Data
The technical data contained herein is proprietary to
ANDREW CORPORATION. It is intended for use in opera-
tion and maintenance of ANDREW equipment. This data
shall not be disclosed or duplicated, in whole or in part, with-
out express written consent of ANDREW CORPORATION.
The installation, maintenance, operation or removal of an-
tenna systems requires qualified, experienced personnel.
Andrew operation and maintenance instructions have been
written for such personnel. Antenna systems should be
inspected once a month or as otherwise directed by quali-
fied personnel to verify proper installation, maintenance,
and condition of equipment.
Andrew disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results
of improper or unsafe installation or operation practices.
Information and
For additional Andrew supplied product information or fur-
ther technical assistance, contact:
Andrew Corporation
10500 W. 153rd Street
Orland Park, IL 60462
Telephone: 1+800-255-1479 (from U.S.A)
1+708-349-3300 (international)
The information contained in this manual is intended to
ensure complete coverage on all Andrew models
(ESA45AA/AAPT) of the 4.5-Meter Transportable
Receive/Transmit Earth Station Antenna System.
Thoroughly review all information provided and utilize pro-
cedures applicable only to your specific system.
All installation, adjustment and operational information
must be strictly adhered to in order to achieve warrant-
ed performance specifications.