
Chapter 4 - Maintenance
42S315F 4-2
If it has been some time since electrical power was applied to
the actuator motors, go to the antenna, remove all electrical
power, manually release the motor brake, and rotate motor
shaft. Once it is determined that the brake will release and the
shaft will turn freely, then apply electrical power to the
motors. Failure to check brake and shaft may result in motor
4.2.3 Bi-Monthly Maintenance
Perform the following procedures at least once every two months.
1. Remove resolver covers, inspect mechanical operation, and check for
condensation accumulation. If moisture exists, open all drain holes.
Apply a spray-type lubricant (WD-40 or equivalent) to all moving
parts. Secure covers.
2. Remove limit switch covers, inspect switch operation, and repair as
required. Secure covers.
3. Inspect polarization drive assembly, if applicable, and apply a spray-
type lubricant (WD-40 or equivalent) to chain and drive sprocket.
Inspect feed chain for correct tension and lubricate if necessary with
spray-type lubricant. Ensure that feed rollers are all functional.
Inspect flexible transmit waveguide, if applicable, for fatigue. Check
limit switch operation. Inspect feed window for damage and replace
window as required.
4. Inspect all cotter pins and other devices used as pin retainers.
Replace if damaged or corroded; tighten if loose.
5. Inspect mount, reflector, and feed for loose or missing fasteners and
replace as required.
4.2.4 Quarterly Maintenance
Perform the following procedures at least once every three months.
1. Inspect azimuth machine screw in accordance with the following
a. Extend actuator to full length.
b. Remove boot clamp at end of screw and slide boot back to
expose full length of screw.