Comparison Chart

Troubleshooting diagram
Work flow
Power On
No display on the screen
Blue screen
Method 1, check the display cable
Method 2 Press the Reset button
on main board
Method 3 Change mainboard
Black screen
1Check the Switch Light, if the
light is on, check the mainboard
and power supply.
2If the Switch Light is not on,
check the Fuse besides the Switch
Levelling Levelling properly or not N
Press the Home button on the
Home screen
Use your hand to block the nozzle
sensor during the extruder
If stop Sensor works
After readjusting the sensor,
complete leveling
if no stop Change mainboard and sensor
Normal screen display
Print by memory card
N Check file identification Y/N
Y Garbled
Whether other files are printed
Y Consider slicing
1. Move the model position and re-
slice it
2. Repair the model with repair
N Check the file name
File name has to be English and
numeric only
N Check memory card
1. Wipe the memory card
2. Format the memory card
3. Change one
Auto Home Y/N
Move or not Check if original point crossed Y Limit Switch
1. Check the connection of limit
2. Check by substitution (try
other shaft limit switches)
N Check shaft motor
1. Check the motor cable
2. Check by substitution (try
other shaft motors)
Hot bed
Heat or not N If the hot bed really heated
Y If the temperature normal N Check thermistor
Check its cable
Change one
Hot bed
Check the resistance, voltage and
thermistor of hot bed
Check the voltage of hot bed
interface on the main board
Nozzle heating
Y If the temperature normal N Check thermistor
1. Check the circuit and loose the
heat-sensor screw then lock again
2. Replace a thermistor
Check the terminal voltage of the
heating tube under heating
Heating tube Check circuit resistance
Filament load and start printing
Y/N N Filament load
Y Dislocation or not Y
Consider slicing/synchronizing
1. Re-slice
2. Adjust the tightness of the
synchronous belt
N Whether the E motor is running
Whether the extrusion gear
Y Material condition
Y Other questions
N consumables
1. Remove defects of consumables
2. Change consumables
N Check E motor
1. Check the circuit
2. Check by substitution(try other
shaft's motor)
Processing result
Question fixed
Parts damaged, contact after -
sales for replacement
Unknown fault, contact after -
sales for further solution

Summary of content (1 pages)