User's Manual

Subject to the conditions set out below
WDP warrants that the ANGEL will
correspond to its specification at the time
of delivery and will be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of
six months from the date of purchase.
WDP gives this warranty subject to the
following conditions:
Proof of purchase is required in all
warranty claims.
Warranty is not transferable.
The company shall be under no liability
in respect of any defect arising from fair
wear and tear.
Seals, batteries, wiring, circuit boards,
displays and exhaust valves are not
covered by this warranty. Wilful damage,
negligence, abnormal working conditions,
weather, accident, tampering, failure
to follow manufacturers instructions
(whether oral or in writing), misuse or
alteration or repair of the ANGEL without
the company’s written approval will
invalidate this warranty and the company
shall be under no obligation whatsoever
to the purchaser in respect of any of the
above breaches of this warranty.
The above warranty does not extend
to parts, materials or equipment not
manufactured by the company, in
respect of which the purchaser shall only
be entitled to the benefit of any such
warranty or guarantee as given by the
manufacturer to the company.
This warranty does not cover the following:
Repairs, alterations or replacements not
authorised by the manufacturer.
The gradual reduction in performance
linked to the age of the ANGEL or usage.
Anything caused directly or indirectly by
vandalism or theft.
Any damage to parts which are recalled
by the Manufacturer.
Any loss, damage or failure, which
a qualified engineer appointed by the
manufacturer believes could have been
avoided, or was totally or partly caused
by a lack of maintenance.
Subject as expressly provided in these
conditions and except where the goods are
sold to a person dealing as a consumer
(within the meaning of the Unfair Contract
Terms Act 1977) all warranties, conditions
or other terms implied by statute or
common law are excluded to the fullest
extent permitted by law.
Where the goods are sold under a
consumer transaction (as defined by
the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts
Regulations SI 1994/3159) the statutory
rights of the purchaser are not affected
by these conditions. Carriage charges in
relation to warranty claims shall be borne
by the customer.
Where any valid claim in respect of
the ANGEL is based in the quality or
condition of the ANGEL or its failure to
meet specification, and such valid claim is
notified to the company in writing and is in
accordance with the company’s standard
terms and conditions of sale, the company
shall be entitled to repair or replace the
goods or the part in question free of charge
or, at the company’s sole discretion, refund
to the purchaser the price of the goods (or
a proportionate part of the price) but the
company shall have no further liability to
the purchaser.
Except in respect of death or personal
injury caused by the company’s negligence,
the company shall not be liable to the
purchaser by reason of any representation,
or any implied warranty, condition or other
term, or any duty at common law, or under
the express terms of this guarantee, for any
direct or indirect, special or consequential
loss or damage, whether to persons or
property, costs, expenses or other claims
for compensation or damages whatsoever
(whether caused by the negligence of
the company, its employees or agents
or otherwise) which arise out of or in
connection with the supply of the ANGEL,
its use, or misuse, or resale by the
purchaser, or any individual, and the
entire liability of the company under or in
connection with the purchase or use or
misuse of the ANGEL shall not exceed the
purchase price of the ANGEL. Purchaser
agrees to adhere strictly to all warnings and
safety procedures and the contents of the
Operator’s Manual.
The laws of England shall govern this
warranty and the purchaser agrees to
submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction
of the English courts.
The supply and purchase of the ANGEL
is subject to the company’s standard
terms and conditions of sale, a copy of
which is available on request. ANGEL
patents applied for, design rights and all
rights reserved. The ANGEL is marketed
and distributed by WDP Ltd. Company
registered in England No. 2114341 and
WDP Paintball Inc. registered in USA No.
No warranty is given to parts not
manufactured by the manufacture,r and
all liability for loss, damage or injury is
This warranty must be construed and read
in conjunction with the product’s terms and
conditions of sale.
To make a warranty claim, the purchaser
must first contact the nearest authorised
ANGEL Service Centre for instructions.
A list of authorised ANGEL Service Centres
may be obtained through the WDP website:, or by contacting WDP by mail
at WDP, Metro Triangle, 221 Mount Street,
Nechells, Birmingham, England B7 5QT,
or by fax at: +(44) (0)121 327 3967,
or by calling: +(44) (0)121 328 2228.
Terms of warranty - EEC/R.O.W. (excluding usa/canada).