User Manual

Tips: To protect your privacy, please set your password at your earliest convenience.
Right clickgo to System SetupSystem AdminUser to set password. Password
should be no more than 10 letters or numbers.
To learn more information about the network status, right click, go to System setup
Network setup, you will see Cloud ID is ONLINE and Network status is Healthy
If not, please make sure the boxes next to DHCP and Enable (next to Net Diagnose
Info) are checked. Within minutes you should see the NVR obtain the IP address and
will go ONLINE automatically, Click OK.
8. Viewing the Camera on Smart Phone
View on mobile APP
Step1.Download the APP and install it on your phone.
----Please search ARCCTV in Google play or Apple store and install it on your phone.
Step2. Run the ARCCTV APP and register an account (for first time using) and then
Step3. Click “+”, then click Add a video recorder.