
menus again.
CHANGE CAL SETUP lets you set up a new cali
bration, which is what we will do for this example.
Step 9.
2-PORT soft keys.
You could also have selected S11 1-PORT, S22
1-PORT or ADAPTER REMOVAL soft keys (para
graph 9-3). The latter lets you remove the effect of an
adapter used in the calibration.
If a more accurate calibration is required, you can
increase the number of averages for each impedance
standard by pressing the NUMBER OF AVER
AGES soft key.
Step 10.
Press the SELECT PORTS soft key and a configu-
ration that matches the physical setup (R=1, L=2 for
this example).
It is critical to ensure the correct module orientation
is established; each side (left and right) of the mod-
ule is labeled.
Step 11.
Observe that CALIBRATOR is shown for the SE-
LECT THRU TYPE soft key.
By default, the internal thru standard is used for the
Thru Calibration. The transmission response of the
calibration may be improved by selecting a True
Thru. This will result in a manual step, however.
Step 12.
Observe that OMIT is shown for the ISOLATION
AVERAGING soft key.
Isolation may be omitted (default), or included. If in
cluded, the Select Isolation Averaging soft key menu
lets you set the AVERAGING FACTOR or use the
DEFAULT value during the isolation step. Includ
ing isolation involves a manual step for the 36581
9-8 MS462XX OM