User Guide

Introducing Auto-Tune
Auto-Tune UserÕs Manual
envelope of the pitch-detected sound or 2) align the envelope to the hori-
zontal scale and position of the Pitch Graph.
In Graphical Mode, the user draws the target pitch function using line and
curve drawing tools. Complete image sizing and scrolling controls are pro-
vided. A graphical editor allows easy editing, including cut, copy and paste
The basic steps you will perform in Graphical Mode are:
Select some sound for processing. For ProTools III, this is done in the
Edit window.
Bring up Auto-Tune and press the Track Pitch button, then play back the
sound. The pitch will be detected and then displayed in the Pitch Graph
as a red curve.
Create a target pitch function using the graphical tools and adjust the
Retune slider for the desired effect.
Play back the sound. This will cause the pitch to be corrected as speci-
In Graphical Mode, Auto-Tune sometimes identiÞes the pitch to be an
octave lower than it really is. In these cases, simply correct the pitch as you
would if the pitch was lower (ex. +/- 20 cents). Auto-Tune will apply this
correction to achieve the desired result.
In Graphical Mode, it is important that the sound played back for pitch correc-
tion begins precisely at the same spot as the sound played back for pitch detec-
tion. This is because the plug-ins do not know the absolute Òtime-of-dayÓ. The
speciÞed target pitch will be applied to whatever sound occurs after playback
begins, even if it is a completely different sound.