User Manual

For example, you can drag all of the twenty-four USB play channels to Mixer 1 channels and then
drag and drop MIX 1 L/R to LINE OUT 1&2 providing a stereo bus mix to LINE OUT channels 1 and 2.
The low latency mixers provide the basic functions of a real mixer such as: Solo, Mute, Pan, Link
channels, Volume Level controlled by faders and a Master Fader, so you can easily make a stereo
mix, plus an Auxiliary send in order to use the DSP effects.
Maximum Number of Channels per Sample Rate:
Sample Rate
32 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 16 ch total / 8 ch per line 2 ch
44.1 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 16 ch total / 8 ch per line 2 ch
48 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 16 ch total / 8 ch per line 2 ch
88.2 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 8 ch total / 4 ch per line 2 ch
96 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 8 ch total / 4 ch per line 2 ch
176.4 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 4 ch total / 2 ch per line 2 ch
192 kHz 32 ch 24 ch 4 ch total / 2 ch per line 2 ch
AuraVerb is a powerful and exible algorithmic reverb effect powered by the Orion Studio that
provides near zero-latency effect monitoring without taxing your computer’s processor. AuraVerb
can also be used as a hardware effect from your DAW, so you can take advantage of its rich and
unique ambience effect while mixing or mastering.
Quick Start
AuraVerb appears as a pre-fader send effect on the Orion Studio’s mixer 1. To send a signal to the
reverb, turn up the send control on a mixer channel and use the reverb output level to adjust the
return to the mixer’s master channel. To hear the reverb, route the mixer output to your monitors by
clicking and dragging MIX 1 [1] [2] to MONITOR [1] [2] on the Orion Studio’s routing matrix. Fine
tune the reverb mix by adjusting the balance between the dry signal on the mixer channel’s fader
and the reverb output level knob.
AuraVerb Parameters
• Color