User Manual

The low latency mixers provide all basic functions of a real mixer such as: Solo, Mute, Pan,
Stereo Link, Volume Level fader control and a Master Fader, so you can easily make a stereo
mix plus an Auxiliary send in order to use AuraVerb.
AuraVerb is a powerful and flexible algorithmic reverb effect powered by Zen Tour’s Custom
FPGA-based DSP. It provides near zero-latency effect monitoring without taxing your CPU.
AuraVerb can also be used as a hardware effect from your DAW. That way you can take
advantage of its rich and unique sound while mixing or mastering.
By default the effect is switched off.
Quick Start
AuraVerb appears as a pre-fader send effect on the Zen Tour’s Mixer 1. To send a signal to the
reverb, turn up the send control on a mixer channel and use the reverb output level to adjust
the return to the mixer’s master channel. To hear the reverb, route the mixer output to your
monitors by clicking and dragging MIX 1 [1] [2] to MONITOR [1] [2] on the routing matrix.
Fine tune the reverb mix by balancing between the dry signal on the mixer channel’s fader
and the reverb Output Level knob.
AuraVerb Parameters
AuraVerb’s Color control allows you to adjust the overall tone of the reverb. On “0” the
space created is darker, like a lushly carpeted area. On “100” the reverb sounds the
brightest, which can add some sizzle to a lead vocal, for example.
PreDelay is a common function on most reverb effects and allows you to create a bit of
space between the source and the onset of reverb by controlling the amount of delay
time that precedes the initial reverberated sound. This parameter is used to place the
reverberated signal later in time with respect to the unprocessed signal. Natural settings
for this are based on the size of the environment and range from 0 to 32 milliseconds. Fine
adjustment of this parameter with respect to the tempo of the song or dramatic timing of
the piece can help set the feel of the reverb within the mix.