User Manual

1. Frequency Adjust Dials (double-click to return to default)
2. Gain Adjust Dials (double-click to return to default)
3. Q Factor Adjust Dials (double-click to return to default)
4. Frequency Band Analysis Screen
5. Save / Load / Bypass
6. EQ Output Metering
7. Selectable High Pass or High Shelf Filter (in green)
8. Bandpass / Notch Filter (in blue / red)
9. Detector
10. Ratio
11. Threshold
12. Knee
13. Attack
14. Release
15. Gain
16. Compression Meter
1 7. Compression Curve
18. Save / Load / Bypass
19. Stereo Link
20. Save / Load / Bypass All
21. Select Preset
22. Add Effect to Channnel Strip & Bypass
8.4. Meters Tab
The Meters tab allows you to measure the volume levels of all audio signals coming from
and to the Zen Tour. A dropdown menu allows you to easily switch between the routing