User guide

DMX-4 USB Mixer User Manual
is done digitally in your PC, and not in the DMX-4
circuitry. When “Line” is selected, the gain is fixed at
0dB for inputs 1 and 2. If you attempt to move the
slider with the mouse, it will snap back. Inputs 3 and 4
do have a gain adjustment from 8dB to +31.5dB in
“Line” setting.
Input and Monitor Labels
There are text boxes for each Input channel at the top
of the Antex Mixer Program. There are also text boxes
for the Monitor channels. When you click with the
mouse inside one of these boxes, you can type in a
name for that channel. This will help you to tell who is
talking into that particular microphone. (Antex cannot
claim credit for this great idea, it was suggested to us by
one of our customers.)
Opening and Saving Scenes
All of the current settings in the Antex Mixer Program,
including slider positions, labels, and pushbutton
settings will be saved when you close the program.
When you run the program the next time, the same
settings will be reloaded.
You can also save and recall a particular Mixer
configuration as a Scene, using the “Save As” and
“Open” buttons.
Sample Rate
The sample rate is selected using your recording
program, not with the Antex Mixer Program.