Owner`s manual

Cabinet or Bookshelf Placement: If you wish, you can place the Classico CL-2 on a
bookshelf or within a cabinet. Please make sure the shelf will support the speaker's weight
and is well secured to the wall brackets or cabinet so it won't rattle or vibrate. We suggest
the CL-2 be placed with its front edge even with the front edge of the shelf or cabinet to
reduce reflections. Also, be sure to set the speaker on the four (4) vibration de-coupling
gel discs provided. If it sounds like you're getting an echo or hollow sound, try moving the
speaker forward or backwards within the cabinet. You can also fill in the space around the
speaker with books or other solid objects.
Home theater positioning can mimic the above recommendations. However, try to keep
the L/R speakers within two or three feet of the edge of the TV screen. Once again,
whichever position gets the speaker closer to seated ear height is preferable, and if it must
be high or low, aim it down or up at the listeners. If you must place the CL-2 above ear
level, it is OK to place it upside down with the tweeter at the bottom to get it closer to
ear level.
General Guidelines for Placing Your Classico CL-2s
Note: The following positioning instructions are meant to be only a guideline for
your CL-2 placement. Once your Classico CL-2s are properly broken in, they should
perform to your satisfaction. If not, however, please refer to these simple placement
guidelines for some helpful tips. No matter which placement option you choose,
please keep the Classico CL-2 at least one inch from the wall or surface behind it.
Floor Stands: Your Classico CL-2s can be mounted on floor stands or to a wall using wall
mounts. There are many suppliers of quality speaker stands and wall mounts, so a little
research with your local AGA dealer will prove helpful. When placed on stands, be sure to
use the four (4) gel discs provided, one under each corner of the CL-2. Also, ensure that
the speakers, stands and associated wiring are stable and safely located to reduce the
chance of the speakers falling.
Some wall mounts will require you to affix part of the mount to the back of the speaker.
For safety reasons, please be sure to read and follow the instructions that came with your
mounts carefully.
Sonics: If achieving maximum bass and sonic warmth is your goal, place your Classico
CL-2s close to a wall or other large surface (no more than a foot or two away). Note that
positioning them further out from the walls may deliver better imaging and a somewhat
leaner response in most rooms. Positioning your speakers at different distances from the
side wall in relation to the wall behind them should help control acoustic anomalies.
Although they can be mounted at any reasonable height, you'll maximize high-frequency
transparency and imaging if the CL-2 is positioned with its tweeter close to or aimed at
seated ear height. If the setting lends itself, try positioning the left and right front speakers
at the opposite ends of the base of an equilateral triangle whose tip is at the prime
listening position (Figure 2). General guidelines suggest a 30- to 45-degree angle from the
prime listening position to the L/R speakers, which is particularly for good stereo
Figure 2. Example of a Stereo (2.0 Configuration) Setup
Classico CL-2
Classico CL-2