User's Manual

MHPTV TX User Manual
MHPTV-USR-DOC-V3.0, 10/18/2019 Page 115 of 148
Network Screen: The User can check and set all the Controller network
information in this screen.
Re-Defualt: Reset Default settings - This button is used to set all the
network settings to the default values, as show below:
Set: There is a Set button for each bar on this screen. Pressing the Set
button will lead to the corresponding configuration screen of IP or Mask
or GateWay accordingly. Using the IP setting as an example, Press any
part of the white bar on the IP Setting Screen and the keyboard (shown
below) will be enabled, turning from grey to yellow. The user can only set
3-digits of one bar at a time. When the configuration is finished, press OK
to confirm. If the keyboard is enabled by mistake, press Cancel to exit the
setting mode. Don’t press Ok without entering a valid number, otherwise,
the system will fill it with all zeros instead.