User's Manual

MHPTV TX User Manual
MHPTV-USR-DOC-V3.0, 10/18/2019 Page 78 of 148
3. You are now ready to bring the TX up to power. To accomplish this, slowly
increase the drive level out of the Exciter by increasing the POWER setting in
the Exciter RF submenu while watching the Sys FWD power increase
accordingly on the Controller touchscreen.
Begin to slowly raise the FWD System power by using the UP button on the Exciter,
while monitoring the FWD system power meter on the Controller HOME screen as
shown below.
4. Slowly bring the FWD power to ~ half-power and notice the power meter
values of REFL, REJCT, and VSWR to be sure these look reasonable (less than
the values of the TX operating at full rated power (please reference your
Factory Test Report for these values).
Check to be sure that the lower-left corner of the HOME screen shows the status
as “RUNNING OK!” and there are no alarm messages. If you do see an alarm message,
please reference the Troubleshooting section of your transmitter User Manual to
understand what the error means and suggested steps to correct it. (For example, when
initially turning on a system, the error message AMP_VSWR_ERR (accompanied by
high REFL power readings) may be witnessed - indicating a connection problem
somewhere in the external RF System a mismatch sending hi reflected energy back
to the REFL sample on the output directional coupler inside the TX cabinet.)
Slowly increase to
raise FWD SYS
Monitor REFL,