User's Guide

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Playing the Sylphyo
So and loud
Try to make a so note, then a really so one,
and finally a really loud one that becomes a lit-
tle more muted at the end.
Crescendo and descrescendo
Start by making a really so note, then increase
its intensity in a very gradual way. Stay at the
loudest for a moment, then make it soer and
soer unl it vanishes.
Try maintaining a note for a second, then use
your throat to soly oscillate the amount of air.
tu ku du
Have you paid aenon at how you use your
throat and tongue when playing a note? Some
people naturally do fuu, while others do tuu,
duu or kuu, but all have a different effect on
your sound.
Try them all to see how they more or less de-
tach each note from the other.
Rolling the “R”s, or fluer-tonguing, has a dra-
mac effect on the sound, but should be used