User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Playing the Sylphyo
Shake to move
Acvate the ineral mode by gently, but firmly shak-
ing your Sylphyo from top to boom (shake-to-move),
while maintaining contact with the slider using your
thumb. You should see a white line with the capon IN-
ERTIAL MODE on the boom edge of the performance
Tilt for slow variaons
Now, slowly lt your Sylphyo from the vercal to the
horizontal posion. You should start hearing sound at
a 45° angle, and it should reach its maximum intensity
when the Sylphyo is horizontal. In ineral mode, the
elevaon angle of your Sylphyo (how you lt it) always
replaces the intensity of your breath in the control of
Shake for fast aacks
Tilng is fine for slow variaons, but you can also pro-
duce fast aacks using the same gesture that acvates
ineral mode: shaking the Sylphyo from top to boom.
The intensity of the aack will be proporonal to the
velocity of your movement.
To stop ineral mode, just blow into the Sylphyo.
Using ineral mode